Company wise Python Interview Questions Part-1 - Python Learning Centre

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Monday, 4 September 2017

Company wise Python Interview Questions Part-1

1)HCL Python scripting developer Interview questions:-
1) How do you check list of files in the given path in python ??
2) How do you check whether file is exist or not in python
3) How do you perform copy file cmd in python ??
4) What is d use of in python
5) What is d use of __init__=__main__: condition in python??
6) What is d type of *args and **kargs ??
7) sys.path use in python ??

2) CES Limited Python developer Interview Face2Face Interview questions:-

1.Basic questions on oops:
  *.Implement Base class using Instance, static and Abstract method
    instance method - takes two arguments to add operation
    static method - takes two args to multiply operation
    abstract method - takes two args to div operation
  *. Implement child class using 3 instance methods
    instance - takes three args for add operation
    instance - takes two args for multiplicatio operation
    instance - takes two args for div opration
    create a relation between two classes
2. How you realate two objects in python? For example Book and Page.
3. find the sum of sequence by skipping the between elements without using slicing.
    Ex seq = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] where x = 4, y = 7
       skip elements between x and y(including x and y i,e. [4, 5, 6, 7]) always y
       comes after x
       output: 1+2+3+8+9 = 23
4. File question:
   File has following data:
   Print the words of the file by sorting order of the corresponding integers.
   Expected output:
5. What is decorator? use of decorator? How you implement the decrator for argumented functions to override the behaviour.
6. Difference between __new__ and __init__ ??

3)One of the Leading Bank company Telophonic Interview questions for Python developer:-  My friend doesnt want to reveal company name.

1) What is d diffrence between python and other laungages ??
2) Comprehension vs generators expression ??
3) What is d use of yield keyword in python ??
4) What is d use of "with file open "?? How do you implement ur own context manager ??
5) Abstract class in python ??
6) Java type constructor in python ??
7) list vs tuple vs dictinary vs set
8) Metaclasses in python
9) How do you connect with Oracle dtabase from the python
10) Which Test framework are you familar ?? (example pytest framework..)

4)Microsoft written Interview questions for Python Developer:-

1) Addition of two binary strings a ="11" and b = "1" and output "100"
2) Permutation of ABC
3) Input string "aaabccdee" then output "3ab2cd2e"
4) Validstings

      and invalid string


  1. Hi Anu,

    Smokin hot stuff! You’ve trimmed my dim. I feel as bright and fresh as your prolific website and blogs!

    I'm new to the world of programming and I am really under pressure to learn python at the moment for a mature student college course. So I’m looking for help on how to get python pandas installed on ubuntu 16.04, specifically pandas data reader. I might need more help later too, to get my head around this. I have no programming experience and very little Linux experience.

    When one instance fails, several of them goes down, this will put larger load on the database server when lost data is reloaded as client make a request. To avoid this, if your code has been written to minimize cache stampedes then it will leave a minimal impact.

    I'm doing the basic introduction on python and stuck on the second part.

    import as web

    Thank you very much and will look for more postings from you.

    Thanks a heaps,

    1. Thanks Kevin, Sure i will post more info..

  2. Halo,

    You make learning and reading addictive. All eyes fixed on you. Thank you being such a good and trust worthy guide.

    so I'm currently struggling on a piece of code. I'm not very proficient at Python so bear with me. What I have is a numpy array of baseball statistics with 20 columns and a lot of rows and two of the columns are the year the stats were taken from and a unique player id that only applies to this one person. As some players returned for more than a year, some of the player ids repeat in later rows. There is also a column with the number of runs that player got in a year.

    What I'm trying to accomplish with this is make a histogram where the x axis is total number of runs a player got and the y axis is number of players who got these many runs, with 100 bins.

    I used np.unique to make an array with the player ids only listed once and I know I need some weird kind of for loop to add all the runs to the player id, then I probably need an array with 2 columns, being the id and the runs gotten by that id, and a where statement to get the number of players with a certain amount of runs within a range to then be graphed.

    I read multiple articles
    and watched many videos about how to use this tool - and was still confused! Your instructions were easy to understand and made the process simple.


  3. Hello Anubeig,

    Great info! I recently came across your blog and have been reading along.
    I thought I would leave my first comment.

    Setting timeout value is another option that some Memcached clients implement for Memcached server outage. When your Memcached server goes down, the client will keep trying to send a request till the time-out limit is reached.

    Python Code: (Double-click to select all)
    9 tp=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
    for i in tp:
    lt = []
    if tp[i]%2 == 0:
    tp2 = tuple(lt)
    I don't understand why is i out of range.

    After change in code I receive the same message
    Python Code: (Double-click to select all)
    10 tp=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
    for i in tp:
    lt = []
    for i in range(1,11):
    if tp[i]%2 == 0:
    tp2 = tuple(lt)

    Thank you very much and will look for more postings from you.


  4. Thanks to all sure more info is coming...

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